david bool Apps

Krom icons pack 1.2.0
david bool
dbconcept.boolicons vous présente Krom iconspack disponible pourLaunchers-Apex-Nova-Action-Adw-Launchy Widget (icônes pack déjà inclue de base dans cetteapplication)-Aviate-Inspire-Smart launcher-ectContient plus de 400 icônes et encore plus à venir .Pour appliquer un pack d'icones allez dans paramètres de votrelauncher , sélectionner personnalisations et naviguer jusqu'authèmes.Pour le Wallpaper utiliser de préférence Multipicture livewallpaper (gratuit) pour avoir un rendu parfait par rapport auHomescreen,vous pouvez le récupéré le wallpaper sur mon blog pourl'appliqué .Pour les Widgets utiliser UCCW ou Zooper (avec une petitepréférence pour le deuxième)Si un bug apparaît sur certaines icônes n’hésitez pas à me lesignaler,et si ils vous manques une appli n’hésitez pas j'essaieraide vous satisfaire au plus vite envoyez moi un mail à : david.bool.concept@gmail.comMerci de votre soutien .Pour l'horloge et autre widgets, skin pas passer voir le bloghttp://uniqueandroid.wordpress.com/ pour voirmes Homescreens et thèmes pour Zooper et UCCW .Have fun !dbconcept.booliconspresents Krom icons pack availableLaunchersApex-Nova-ActionAdw-Launchy-Widget (icons pack already included in the basicapplication)Aviate--InspireSmart-launcher-EctContains over 400 icons and more to come.To apply icons pack go to your launcher settings, customizationsand navigate to select themes.Wallpaper for use preferably MultiPicture live wallpaper (free)to have a perfect record with respect to the Homescreen, you canrecovered the wallpaper on my blog for the appliqué.Widgets for use UCCW or Zooper (with a slight preference for thelatter)If a bug appears on some icons do not hesitate to let me know,and if they miss an app you do not hesitate I will try to meet assoon as possible send me an email to david.bool.concept @ gmail.comThank you for your support.For the clock and other widgets, skin not go see the blog to seemy http://uniqueandroid.wordpress.com/ Homescreensand themes for Zooper and UCCW.Have fun!
Super Neon icons pack 1.0.3
david bool
#dbconcept presents "Super Neon icons pack"available for smartphones and tablets.Prepare yourself for a unique experience with Super Neon iconspack.  A completely different icon pack with style and uniqueicons.Without Mask icons or icon backs it's icons have a unique effectfor all themer Neon icons.Find alternative icons in the icons pickers available in mostlaunchers with transparent icons and also a full icon you! .The Launchers available for this package: - Nova * (and preferably the best for this pack)- Apex- Action- Adw- Aviate- TSF- Next- Lennox (new)- Smart- Inspire- KK- Solo (new)- Lightning (new)- Atom (without mask icons or icons back)- Works with slide launcher- New:- Launchy Widget (complete integration)- And other test ...(Warning do not work properly with next launcher and Go launcherfor now)contains:- 1200 HD 190x190 size for seamless integration with other iconsnot themer icons. Icons not themer and new applications will beadded as updates.- 50 Wallpapers for Smartphone.- As many wallpapers for tablet- Icons Alternative x2 for each new section and icons forgames.- New: icons for the change in icons pickers- Calendar dynamic (Anydo, sNote, Google, Sunrise)- Icons pickers (Nova, Apex, Solo, Action, ect ..) in alphabeticalorder and section.- Icons Request.- Ability to move to SD card.How to install Super Neon on your Smartphone or TabletAlternative Launcher required (see section Launcher Playstore).- Some launcher you should apply this icon pack via the settingsof your launcher, then navigate to and select customizationsthemes, you can also apply via the application menu for mostlaunchers available in Neon .- For Wallpapers you can apply via the application menu or by along press your launcher and navigate to the icon pack and selectthe wallpaper that you like me.- Icons Pickers:Some Launchers (as I have told you in the beginning) permettes youto manually change all your icons and choose the one that suitsyou, simply by making a long press the icon desired, choose edit,press the icon and navigate to the icon pack and find all the iconsthemes await you with as many alternative icons.- Widgets ZooperSuper Neon has widget available on the Play store here is the link:https://play.google.com/store/search?q=dbconcept&c=apps (Neonclock and Lucid are the two widgets built for this pack more willcome in future updatesLike it's icons and let me share a nice review of the Playstore.Think circled me on Google+ to know before anyone future worldavailable updates.Google+: #dbconcept: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsTo Share your most beautiful home with Super Neon this is here:Android Community dbconcept                   https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777For all other inquiries email me at: david.bool.concept@gmail.comwhere to contact me on social networks available in theapplications (and Google+ hangout).Thank you for your support and thank you to the1dynasty's,PKmmte Xeleon for their hard work, and all my beta tester for theirsupport.With you to play !!!
Furious icons pack 1.1.0
david bool
*************SUPER PROMO*******************Furious icons pack passe à 0,50€ pour les fêtes profitez en!!!!!en plus une Grosse mise à jour et à venir !#dbconcept pour boolicons vous présente Furious icons packdisponible pour :- Smartphones et tablettesLes Launchers :-Apex-Nova*-Action-Adw-Go-ectContient :- +380 icônes HD taille 144x144 et encore plus à venir.- Inclue Mask d'icônes pour que toutes vos icônes s'adaptes authème.- 3 Wallpapers pour Smartphone.- 3 Wallpapers pour tablette.- 3 horloges pour Zooper widgets pro- 3 Widgets Google now pour Zooper proPour appliquer un pack d'icones allez dans paramètres de votrelauncher , sélectionner personnalisations et naviguer jusqu'authèmes, vous pouvez également l'appliqué via l'applicatuion.Pour le Wallpaper utiliser de préférence Multipicture livewallpaper (gratuit) pour avoir un rendu parfait par rapport auHomescreen,vous pouvez le récupéré le wallpaper sur mon blog pourl'appliqué,sinon vous pouvez l'appliquez via le menu del'application .Vous pouvez changez manuellement toutes vos icônes et choisircelle qui vous convient, en faisant un appuie long sur l'iconesouhaitez , choisissez modifier, appuyer sur l'icone et naviguezjusqu'au thème + de 300 icônes thèmées vous y attendent.une nouvelle section à fait son apparition :une appli vous manques , ouvrez l'application et allez dans requesticônes ,ils ne vous restera plus qu'a sélectionner les applicationsqu'ils vous manques(pour certain il faudra appuyé entre les deuxpour pouvoir sélectionner une appli) et appuyer sur "Submit" etvoilà ,je recevrai votre demande et la traiterai le plus vitepossible .Pour les Widgets utiliser UCCW ou Zooper (avec une petitepréférence pour le deuxième)vous pouvez les retrouvez sur : http://uniqueandroid.wordpress.com/Si un bug apparaît sur certaines icônes n’hésitez pas à me lesignaler,et si ils vous manques une appli n’hésitez pas j'essaieraide vous satisfaire au plus vite envoyez moi un mail à : david.bool.concept@gmail.comoù contacter moi sur les réseaux sociaux disponible dansl'applications(Google+, Facebook, Twitter).Merci de votre soutien et merci à the1dynasty's .SPECIAL OFFER******************* *************                                    Furiousicons pack goes to € 0.50 for the holidays enjoy!!!                                                  becominga Big update and future!# Dbconcept for boolicons presents Furious icons pack availablefor: - Smartphones and tabletsThe Launchers:Apex-Nova *-ActionAdw-GB--EctContains:- 380 icons HD 144x144 size and more to come.- Includes Mask icons for all your icons are adapted to thetheme.- 3 Wallpapers for Smartphone.- 3 Wallpapers for tablet.- 3 clocks widgets pro Zooper- 3 Widgets Google now for Zooper proTo apply icons pack go to your launcher settings, customizationsand navigate to select topics, you can also apply via theapplicatuion.Wallpaper for use preferably MultiPicture live wallpaper (free)to have a perfect record against the Homescreen, you can recoveredthe wallpaper on my blog for applied or you can apply via theapplication menu.You can manually change all your icons and choose the one thatsuits you, by making a long press the icon desired, choose edit,press the icon and navigate to the theme of 300 + icons thèméesawait you.a new section is introduced:you miss an app, open the app and go to request icons, they will domore than select the applications they miss you (for some it willsupport between the two in order to select an app) and press "submit "and now, I will receive your request and the deal as soonas possible.Widgets for use UCCW or Zooper (with a slight preference for thelatter)you can find on: http://uniqueandroid.wordpress.com/If a bug appears on some icons do not hesitate to let me know,and if they miss an app you do not hesitate I will try to meet assoon as possible send me an email to david.bool.concept @ gmail.com where to contact me on social networks available in theapplications (Google+, Facebook, Twitter).Thank you for your support and thank you to the1dynasty's.
Firefly icons pack 1.1.0
david bool
# dbconcept present " FireFly icons pack"available for smartphones and tablets .An icon or all work very themer icons pack exclusively createdfor this pack.The Launchers :- Apex- Nova * (preferably )- Action- Adw- Aviate- TSF- Next- Lennox (new)- Smart- Solo ( new)- Lightning (new)- Atom (without mask icon or icons back )- Slide works with launcher- And other test ...(Note will not boot with Go launcher for now)contains:- 750 HD size 192x192 icons for seamless integration of non- themeicons and more to come in the next updates.- Includes Mask icons for all your icons are adapted to the theme.- 19 Wallpapers for Smartphone .- As many wallpapers for tablet- Icons pickers (Nova launcher ) in alphabetical order andsection- Reduction of the application in MBTo apply this icon pack go to the settings of your launcher,select customizations and navigate to the themes, you can alsoapply through the application launcher for sure .Wallpapers for use MultiPicture live wallpaper (free) to have aperfect record in relation to the Homescreen , you can recoveredthe wallpaper on my COMMUNAUTY dbconcept Android Community appliedfor , or you can apply via the application menu and by making along press your launcher.Icons Pickers : For some Launchers you can manually change all your icons andchoose the one that suits you, by making a long press the icondesired, choose edit , press the icon and navigate to the theme ofmany themes icons await you.Share your most beautiful home on :dbconcept Android Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777For all other inquiries please send me an email todavid.bool.concept @ gmail.com or contact me on social networksavailable in the applications ( and Google+ hangout ) .Thank you for your support and thank you for the1dynasty 's areicons pack template , Richard Lab is superb screen presentation ,Alain Besson, David Passet Rico Fox, Larry Harris for theirbeautiful home and all my beta tester .
Icona Pop 1.1.0
david bool
#dbconcept to present "Icona Pop icons pack"available for smartphones and tablets.The Launchers:- Apex- Nova * (preferably)- Action- Adw- Aviate (With Xposed install)- Next- And other test ...Contains:- 650 icons HD size 192x192 and more to come in the nextupdates.- Includes Mask icons for all your icons are adapted to thetheme.- 14 Wallpapers for Smartphone.- Wallpapers for tablet future- Icons pickers (Nova launcher) in alphabetical order andsection- Alternative iconsTo apply some launcher icon pack directly from your launchersettings, customizations and navigate to select topics, you canalso apply through the application.Wallpapers for use MultiPicture live wallpaper (free) to have aperfect record in relation to the Homescreen, you can recovered thewallpaper on my COMMUNAUTY dbconcept Android Community applied for,or you can apply via the application menu .You can manually change all your icons with the icons pickersavailable for all launchers and choose the one that suits you, bymaking a long press the icon desired, choose edit, press the iconand navigate to the theme many themes icons await you. If you choose Nova Launcher premium you will have a light effect onthe transparent icons home.Pour choose your color, go to settingsand select nova appearance and behavior and choose the themecolor.a new section is introduced:you miss an app, open the app and go to "request icons", select theapplications they miss you (on some phone a little bug there mustbe pressed between two banner I try to select repaired as soon aspossible ) and press "Submit" and now, I will receive your requestand the deal as soon as possible.dbconcept Android Community:https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777For all other inquiries please send me an email todavid.bool.concept @ gmail.com or contact me on social networksavailable in the applications (Google+, Facebook, Twitter).Thank you for your support and thank you to the1dynasty's whytemplate, Richard Lab is superb presentation of screen and all mybeta tester.
Zooper widget clock one 1.02
david bool
#dbconcept présente Zooper Widget Skin ONEDisponible et exclusif pour Zooper widgets proDimensions 7x4 et mise à l’échelle 100%-Heure-Villes-Météo-Température-DatesN’hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout problème lier auwidgetsGoogle+ : https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail : david.bool.concept@gmail.com.Zooper pro :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro# Dbconcept this ZooperWidget Skin ONEAvailable for exclusive widgets pro Zooper7x4 dimensions and scaling 100%-TimeCitiesWeather-Temperature--DatesDo not hesitate to contact me for any problem bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept @ gmail.com.Zooper pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro
L concept clock zooper 1.01
david bool
#dbconcept présente "L Concept Clock Widget"pour ZOOPER PROPour installer ce widgetsTélécharger Zooper widget pro (requis).dimensions 7x4 pour le widgetSélectionner dans vos skins télécharger : "L CONCEPT ClockWidgets"Choisissez parmi les différents widgets votre HorlogepréférésCliquer sur l'icône et voilà !!!.Félicitations " L Concept Clock Widget" et bien installer .Astuce : grâce au nouveau mode de dessin proposer par Zooper ,ilvous est possible de modifier les couleurs de vos widgets.Comment ça marche :en faites c'est très simple vous avez le choix entre 11 modesdifférents .- Normal- Clair -permet de rendre le fond transparent- Xor - transparence- Add - ajout de couleur- Darken - theme sombre- Dst - densité de couleur- Lighten - clair- Multiply - plusieurs couleurs- Overlay - ajout de couleur en transparence- Screen - couleur du screen- Scr - couleur de la source- Monochrome - noir et blancEssayer avec un rectangle les différents mode et les différentescouleurs ( Vous devez être au dessus de l'images de bases pour voirla différence ).Amusez vous bien .#dbconcept presents "TheConcept Clock Widget" for Zooper PROTo install this widgetDownload Zooper pro widget (required).7x4 size for the widgetSelect your skins download "The CONCEPT Clock Widgets"Choose from the different widgets your favorite ClockClick the icon and voila !!!.Congratulations "The Concept Clock Widget" and properlyinstalled.Tip: with the new drawing mode proposed by Zooper, you can changethe colors of your widgets.How it works:in doing is very simple you can choose between 11 differentmodes.- Normal- Clear -Lets make the background transparent- Xor - transparency- Add - adding color- Darken - dark theme- Dst - color density- Lighten - clear- Multiply - Multiple Colors- Overlay - adding color transparency- Screen - color screen- Scr - source color- Monochrome - black and whiteTry a rectangle with different fashions and different colors (youmust be above the base image to see the difference).Have fun.
Lucid Zooper Widgets 1.01
david bool
#dbconcept présente "LUCID WIDGET" pour ZOOPERPROPour installer ce widgetsTélécharger Zooper widget pro (requis).dimensions 7x4 pour le widgetSélectionner dans vos skins télécharger : "Lucid ZooperWidgets"Choisissez parmi les 8 couleurs vôtres widgets préféréCliquer sur l'icône et voilà !!!Au besoin changer votre position météo si ce n'ai pasautomatique.Félicitations "Lucid Zooper Widget" et bien installer .Amusez vous bien .N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout problème lier auwidgetsGoogle+ : https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail : david.bool.concept@gmail.com.Zooper pro :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwproMerci à Asadkhan pour son pure Glass weather icons .#dbconcept# Dbconcept present"LUCID WIDGET" for Zooper PROTo install this widgetDownload Zooper pro widget (required).dimensions for 7x4 widgetSelect your skins download "Lucid Widgets Zooper"Choose from 8 colors yours favorite widgetsClick on the icon and voila!Need to change your position if the weather did notautomatic.Congratulations "Zooper Widget Lucid" and properly installed.Have fun.Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept @ gmail.com.Zooper pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwproThank you to Asadkhan for its pure Glass weather icons.# Dbconcept
Crush icônes pack 1.1.0
david bool
#dbconcept vous présente "Crush icons pack"disponible pour Smartphones et tablettes .Les Launchers :- Apex- Nova*(de preference)- Action- Adw- Go(attention peut modifier le mask d'icône)- Aviate- TSF- Next- Lennox (new)- Smart- Solo(new)- Lightning (new)- Atom (sans mask d'icônes ni icons back)- fonctionne avec Slide launcher- et d'autres à tester...Contient :- 700 icônes HD taille 192x192 pour une intégration parfaite desicônes non themé et encore plus à venir au cours des prochainesmises à jours.- Inclue Mask d'icônes pour que toutes vos icônes s'adaptes authème.- 15 Wallpapers pour Smartphone.- Autant de wallpapers pour tablette- icons pickers (Nova launcher) par ordre alphabetique etsectionPour appliquer un pack d'icônes allez dans paramètres de votrelauncher , sélectionner personnalisations et naviguer jusqu'authèmes, vous pouvez également l'appliqué via l'application pourcertain launcher.Pour les Wallpapers utiliser Multipicture live wallpaper(gratuit) pour avoir un rendu parfait par rapport auHomescreen,vous pouvez le récupéré le wallpaper sur ma communautéedbconcept Android Community pour l'appliqué,sinon vous pouvezl'appliquez via le menu de l'application .Vous pouvez changez manuellement toutes vos icônes et choisircelle qui vous convient, en faisant un appuie long sur l'iconesouhaitez , choisissez modifier, appuyer sur l'icone et naviguezjusqu'au thème de nombreuses icônes thèmes vous y attendent.Partagez vos plus beau home sur :dbconcept Android Community : https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777Pour tout autres demandes envoyez moi un mail à : david.bool.concept@gmail.comoù contacter moi sur les réseaux sociaux disponible dansl'applications(Google+ et hangout).Merci de votre soutien et merci à the1dynasty's pour sont iconspack template, Richard Lab pour c'est superbe screen deprésentation, Alain Besson et à tout mes bêta testeur.A vous de jouez !!!# Dbconcept present"Crush icons pack" available for smartphones and tablets.The Launchers:- Apex- Nova * (preferably)- Action- Adw- Go (attention can change the icon mask)- Aviate- TSF- Next- Lennox (new)- Smart- Solo (new)- Lightning (new)- Atom (without mask icon or icons back)- Slide works with launcher- And other test ...Contains:- 700 HD size 192x192 icons for seamless integration of non-themeicons and more to come in the next updates.- Includes Mask icons for all your icons are adapted to thetheme.- 15 Wallpapers for Smartphone.- As many wallpapers for tablet- Icons pickers (Nova launcher) in alphabetical order andsectionTo apply an icon pack go to settings of your launcher, selectcustomizations and navigate to topics, you can also apply throughthe application launcher for sure.Wallpapers for use MultiPicture live wallpaper (free) to have aperfect record with respect to the Homescreen, you can recoveredthe wallpaper on my COMMUNAUTY dbconcept Android Community appliedfor, or you can apply via the application menu .You can manually change all your icons and choose the one thatsuits you, by making a long press the icon desired, choose edit,press the icon and navigate to the theme of many themes icons awaityou.Share your most beautiful home on:dbconcept Android Community: https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777For all other inquiries please send me an email todavid.bool.concept @ gmail.com or contact me on social networksavailable in the applications (and Google+ hangout).Thank you for your support and thank you for the1dynasty's areicons pack template, Richard Lab is superb screen presentation,Alain Besson and all my beta tester.To you to play!
Stellar Clock Widget Zooper 1.01
david bool
#dbconcept presents "STELLAR CLOCK WIDGET" forZooper PROTo install this widgetDownload Zooper pro widget (required).7x2 minimal size for the widgetSelect your skins download "Stellar Clock Widgets"Choose from five colors yours clock widgets favoriteClick the icon and voila !!!.Congratulations "Stellar Clock Widget" and properlyinstalled.Have fun.Feel free to contact me with any problems bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept@gmail.com.Zooper pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro
target icons pack 1.1.0
david bool
# dbconcept for boolicons presents Targeticons pack available for: - Smartphones and tabletsThe Launchers :Apex -Nova *-ActionAdw -GB -- ectcontains:- + --- HD icon size 200x200 and more to come.- Mask icons for all your icons are adapted to the theme .- 2 Wallpapers for Smartphone .- 2 Wallpapers for tablet.To apply icons pack go to your launcher settings ,customizations and navigate to select themes.Wallpaper for use preferably MultiPicture live wallpaper (free)to have a perfect record from the Homescreen , you can recoveredthe wallpaper on my blog for applied or you can apply via theapplication menu .Widgets for use UCCW or Zooper (with a slight preference for thelatter)If a bug appears on some icons do not hesitate to let me know ,and if they miss an app you please I will try to meet as soon aspossible send me an email to: david.bool.concept @ gmail. comThank you for your support.For the clock and other widgets, skin go see the blog to see myhttp://uniqueandroid.wordpress.com/ Homescreensand themes and Zooper UCCW .Have fun!
Flower Clock for Zooper 1.01
david bool
# dbconcept for Zooper Widget Pro presents"Flower Clock"A clock in all colors and transparency.To install this widgetDownload Zooper pro widget (required).dimensions for 7x4 widgetSelect your skins download "Flower clock"Click on the icon and voila!Need to resize the clock.Congratulations "Flower Clock Widget" and properly installed.Have fun.Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept @ gmail.com.Zooper pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro# dbconcept
Zooper Stand Clocks 1.01
david bool
dbconcept présente : Zooper Clock StandUniquement compatible avec Zooper pro.Voici une série de widgets avec un style unique , les 10couleurs de c'est horloges vous permettront une intégrationparfaite sur votre home screen .Pour Installer "Zooper Clock Stand"- Appuie long sur votre home- Sélectionner widgets- Zooper widget pro- taille 6x4- Vous pouvez redimensionner jusqu’à 150%Et Voilà,ils ne vous reste plus qu'à choisir votre widgetspréférés.N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout problème lier auwidgetsGoogle+ : https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail : david.bool.concept@gmail.com.Zooper pro :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro#dbconceptdbconcept this: ZooperClock StandOnly compatible with Zooper pro.Here is a set of widgets with a unique style, 10 colors isclocks will allow easy integration into your home screen.To Install "Zooper Clock Stand"- Supports a lot about your home- Select widgets- Zooper pro widget- 6x4 size- You can resize up to 150%Et Voilà, they'll just choose your favorite widgets.Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept @ gmail.com.Zooper pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro# Dbconcept
GNow widgets for Zooper 1.01
david bool
#dbconcept presente GNow widgets for ZooperproVoici des widgets pour zooper avec pour fond Google nowavec(Météo, horloge et batterie) qui sont les actions quevousretrouver dans c'est widgets .Pour installer ce widgetsTélécharger Zooper widget pro (requis).dimensions 7x4 pour le widgetSélectionner dans vos skins télécharger : "GNow"Cliquer sur l'icône et voilà !!!Au besoin redimensionner l'horloge.Félicitations "GNow Clock Widget" et bien installer .Amusez vous bien .N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour tout problème lierauwidgetsGoogle+ : https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail : david.bool.concept@gmail.com.Zooper pro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro#dbconcept# Dbconcept presentGNowwidgets for Zooper proHere zooper with widgets for backgrounds with Googlenow(Weather, clock and battery) are the actions that you find init'swidgets.To install this widgetDownload Zooper pro widget (required).dimensions for 7x4 widgetSelect your skins download "GNow"Click on the icon and voila!Need to resize the clock.Congratulations "GNow Clock Widget" and properly installed.Have fun.Do not hesitate to contact me for any problem bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept @ gmail.com.Zooperpro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro# Dbconcept
On Time for Zooper 1.01
david bool
# dbconcept presents "On Time for Zooper"Exclusively for Zooper pro widget is clocks go dressed uniquelyyourhome.It's widgets are unique set of wallpaper "On Board" I createtheseclock to go with this one and others.To find the first (time, battery and weatherwithtemperature).The second can be found on any wallpaper totallytransparent,this widget includes (Weather, temperature, current,your city anddate.And the third was designed directly over the simple anduniquewallpaper widget that will remind you of the gadgets thatclingswith a suction cup to the car windows, you could now stick ontheglass of your smartphone.Features:3 On Time clocks (7x4)- Weather- Date- battery- CitiesDo not hesitate to contact me for any problem bind widgetsGoogle+: https://plus.google.com/+davidbool/postsGMail: david.bool.concept @ gmail.com.Zooperpro:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.zooper.zwpro# dbconcept
dbconcept.boolicons.pushy 2.3.1
david bool
**********************Warning*******************Pushy will no longer be updated and has a new application inthestore to replace Play I still waiting for a can that everyonefacethe update before deleting it permanentlyTo update Pushy click here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pushy.icons.packdbconcept.boolicons presents Pushy buttons icons pack availableLaunchersApex-Nova-ectContains over 460 icons and more to come.To apply icons pack go to your launcher settings,customizationsand navigate to select themes.Wallpaper for use preferably MultiPicture live wallpaper(free)to have a perfect record from the Homescreen, you canrecovered thewallpaper on my blog for the appliqué.Widgets for use UCCW or Zooper (with a slight preference forthelatter)Some bugs may appear on some icons do not hesitate to let meknowdavid.bool.concept @ gmail.comThank you for your support.Please stop by the blog to see my http://uniqueandroid.wordpress.com/Homescreensand themes and Zooper UCCW.A big thank you to Andrew Gallagher, Sinji yo, tha Phlashfortheir support and for The1Dynasty's are great icons packtemplatewithout whom I n 'could not you offer my icons and allthose that Iforget but who follow me and support me.
The Elements icons 1.1.0
david bool
#dbconcept pour #boolicons vous présente"TheElements icons pack" disponible pour Smartphones et tablettes .Les Launchers :- Apex- Nova*(de préférence)- Action- Adw- Go(attention peut modifier le mask d'icône)- Aviate- Next- et d'autres à tester...Contient :- 500 icônes HD taille 144x144 et encore plus à venir au coursdesprochaines mises à jours.- Inclue Mask d'icônes pour que toutes vos icônes s'adaptesauthème.- 25 Wallpapers pour Smartphone.- wallpapers pour tablette à venir- icons pickers (Nova launcher) par ordre alphabetiqueetsection- jusqu'a 7 icônes alternative pour les plus courant(chrome,Google+,Email, Gmail, Calculatrice, sms, Hangout...)Pour appliquer un pack d'icônes allez dans paramètres devotrelauncher , sélectionner personnalisations et naviguerjusqu'authèmes, vous pouvez également l'appliqué vial'application.Pour les Wallpapers utiliser Multipicture livewallpaper(gratuit) pour avoir un rendu parfait par rapportauHomescreen,vous pouvez le récupéré le wallpaper sur macommunautéedbconcept Android Community pour l'appliqué,sinon vouspouvezl'appliquez via le menu de l'application .Vous pouvez changez manuellement toutes vos icônes etchoisircelle qui vous convient, en faisant un appuie long surl'iconesouhaitez , choisissez modifier, appuyer sur l'icone etnaviguezjusqu'au thème de nombreuses icônes thèmes vous yattendent.Certaines icônes ont était laisser avec le fondtransparentvolontairement pour une meilleur expériencevisuel.Si vous choisissez Nova Launcher prime vous aurez un effetdelumière sur les icônes transparente de votre home.Pour choisirlacouleur, allez dans paramètres nova et sélectionner apparenceetcomportement et choisissez la couleur du thème.une nouvelle section à fait son apparition :une appli vous manques, ouvrez l'application et allez dans"requesticônes" ,sélectionner les applications qu'ils vous manquesetappuyer sur "Submit" et voilà, je recevrai votre demande etlatraiterai le plus vite possible .dbconcept Android Community:https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777Pour tout autres demandes envoyez moi un mail à:david.bool.concept@gmail.com où contacter moi sur lesréseauxsociaux disponible dans l'applications(Google+,Facebook,Twitter).Merci de votre soutien et merci à the1dynasty's et alim Haque.# # Dbconceptforboolicons presents "The Elements icons pack" availableforsmartphones and tablets.The Launchers:- Apex- Nova * (preferably)- Action- Adw- Go (attention can change the icon mask)- Aviate- Next- And other test ...Contains:- 500 icons HD 144x144 size and more to come in thenextupdates.- Includes Mask icons for all your icons are adapted tothetheme.- 25 Wallpapers for Smartphone.- Wallpapers for tablet future- Icons pickers (Nova launcher) in alphabetical orderandsection- Up to 7 alternative icons for the most common (Chrome,Google+,Email, Gmail, Calculator, SMS, Hangout ...)To apply an icon pack go to settings of your launcher,selectcustomizations and navigate to topics, you can also applythroughthe application.Wallpapers for use MultiPicture live wallpaper (free) to haveaperfect record in relation to the Homescreen, you can recoveredthewallpaper on my COMMUNAUTY dbconcept Android Community appliedfor,or you can apply via the application menu .You can manually change all your icons and choose the onethatsuits you, by making a long press the icon desired, chooseedit,press the icon and navigate to the theme of many themes iconsawaityou.Some icons have had to leave voluntarily withtransparentbackground for a better visual experience.If you choose Nova Launcher premium you will have a light effectonthe transparent icons home.Pour choose your color, go tosettingsand select nova appearance and behavior and choose thethemecolor.a new section is introduced:you miss an app, open the app and go to "request icons", selecttheapplications they miss you and press "Submit" and now, Iwillreceive your request and the deal as soon as possible.dbconcept AndroidCommunity:https://plus.google.com/communities/117964984563493134777For all other inquiries please send me an emailtodavid.bool.concept @ gmail.com or contact me on socialnetworksavailable in the applications (Google+, Facebook,Twitter).Thank you for your support and thank you to the1dynasty's andPSUHaque.
Lconcept icons pack 1.0.1
david bool
dbconcept for Android icons pack andoffersalternative launchers .Lconcept a pack made on the basis of material design andAndroid5.0 Lollipop.Finally here is the long awaited Lconcept, tested and approvedbymy beta tester (thank you to them).feature of this pack:- Over 800 icons themer and manually constructed with a dimensionof192x192 px- the alternative icons for the most used applications.- No mask icon to find the material of your style iconsnotthemer- An array of intuitive edge- Display icon in the edit icons pickers- From beautiful wallpaper specifically designed for this pack(andJ.amourette others).- Icons pickers alphabetically section.- Dynamic calendar (Google, sunrise (today, Splanner to come)Requirements:-. Alternative Launcher (may not work with Go launcher test)Request: Please enter the icons pack "Lconcept" The roomattachedonly share it, do not worry I get all queries.Thank you all for your patience and do not worry about alltheicons will be added as and measurement updates. do not hesitatetocontact me via the application or hangout before putting alowrating or negative comments that I'm sure can settlethingsquickly.Go play with you !!